Angle CG seriyali saqlash aravachasi

● Heavy duty steel trolley with good strength.

● 2swivel castors with brake and 2 fixed wheels,Φ150mm.

● Standard model power -coated RAL 5012.

● Three side guardrail to prevent falling.

● Shelf with angle to prevent loads from sliding and falling.

i-lift raqamikg (funt)25141012514102
Modelmm (ichida)CG50BCG50C
Imkoniyatlar mm (ichida)500(1100)
Umumiy uzunlik mm (ichida)1470(57.9)1770(69.7)
Umumiy kenglik mm (ichida)670(26.4)820(32.3)
Umumiy balandlik mm (ichida)1740(68.5)1740(68.5)
Shelf Size mm (ichida)1220x610(48x24)1520x760(60x30)
Interlayer spacing mm (ichida)350(13.8)
Fixed Wheel mm (ichida)Φ150(6)
Swivel Caster mm (ichida)Φ150(6)with brack
Sof og'irlikkg (funt)95(210)121(267)

Why Choose the Storage Trolley with Angle CG series?

Enhanced Safety: With side guardrails and angled shelves, this trolley keeps your items secure during transport.
Efficient Mobility: The caster configuration allows for easy maneuverability in any direction, even with a heavy load.
Durable Design: The heavy-duty steel and powder-coated finish ensure that this trolley will withstand the test of time in any environment.
Upgrade your storage and transportation with the Storage Trolley with Angle CG series. Order now and experience the difference that a reliable, robust, and efficient trolley can make in your operations

Uskunani tashuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi:

Har xil turdagi materiallarni qayta ishlash va ko'tarish mahsulotlarini professional ishlab chiqaruvchisi sifatida, uskunalar tashuvchisi bizning asosiy mahsulotlarimizdan biridir. Bunga qo'shimcha ravishda, biz har xil turdagi palletlar, yig'uvchilar, yuk ko'tarish stollari, forkliftlar, kran va boshqalarni ishlab chiqarishimiz mumkin. Agar siz materiallarni qayta ishlash mahsulotlarini sotib olmoqchi bo'lsangiz, hozir bizga kotirovka uchun bu sahifadan elektron pochta yuborishingiz mumkin. Va agar siz bizning boshqa mahsulotlarimizga qiziqsangiz, elektron pochta orqali yoki sahifada ko'rsatilgan boshqa usullar orqali biz bilan bog'laning. Biz sizga 24 soat ichida javob beramiz.