TYX-4 simli tokcha

Ish joylashtiruvchining xususiyatlari

  • Kombinatsiyalangan struktura demontaj, qadoqlash va tashishni osonlashtirish uchun ishlatiladi.
  • Barcha turdagi simlar, tolalar, kabellar uchun qo'llaniladi.
  • G'altak o'rnatilgandan so'ng, turli xil ish sharoitlari talablariga javob beradigan bosim paneli orqali kriko osongina ma'lum bir balandlikka ko'tarilishi mumkin.
  • Tashish muammosini hal qilish uchun qavsning ikkala tomoniga ikkita mobil g'ildirak o'rnatilgan.
  • Amaldagi lasan diametrlarining keng diapazoni: PH 1500mm- PH 3500mm(59´-137.8´) ;Qoʻllaniladigan lasan kengligi: 100mm-1200mm(3.9´-47.2´).


i-ko'tarish raqami25150012515002
Imkoniyat kg(lb.)4000(8800)8000(17600)
Sozlanishi mumkin bo'lgan oraliq h2 mm (dyuym)140(5.5)
Maks. Joylashuv balandligi H1 mm (dyuym)1640(64.6)1800(70.9)
Min. Joylashuv balandligi h1 mm (dyuym)540(21.3)680(26.8)
Mil o'lchami lxd mm (dyuym)1650XP76(65XH3)
G'ildirak diametri D mm (dyuym)PH150(5,9)
Umumiy o'lcham WxH mm (dyuym) 860 X 1867 (33,9x73,5) 1260X 1867 (49,6x73,5)
Sof vazn kg (lb.)228(501.6)278(611.6)

Scope of application
◆Supporting the wire disc with using the matching fork when placing the wire in the wild.
◆The modular structure makes it easy to disassemble packaging and transportation.
Ehtiyot choralari
◆Apply to using on the ground in the wild;
◆The speed of the take-up rack should be less than 2Km/h and cannot be steered;
◆The load of wire reel should be reasonably distributed according to the load capacity of the take-up rack and the forklift attachment, and overload or partial load isn’t allowed;
◆Each runner bearing and shaft part should be inspected regularly every 3 months, add lubricating oil (fat), check and lock each pin and moving parts;
◆Lock the T-screw to prohibit shifting with the fork;
◆When releasing and receiving the line, it should be braked with manual timely, and forced to push under the non-braking state;
◆Special note: This machine is non-insulating antistatic material to avoid electrical safety accidents;
◆It is banned to using this machine when the temperature is more than 120℃and the environment with strong acid, phenol, chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, barium chloride, etc.